Technology | 8 min read

9 Ways Technology Can Help You Manage Your Hourly Workers

With so many rapid advancements in technology, businesses now have access to an array of tools and solutions that can revolutionize and significantly impact how they manage their hourly workers. But how do companies effectively utilize these tools?

In this article, we’ll explore how you can harness the full potential of technology and transform your hourly workforce into one of long-term success.

1. Accurate Scheduling and Time Tracking

One of the most prominent challenges businesses face when managing hourly workers is creating accurate schedules and ensuring proper time tracking. Traditional methods relying on manual processes, spreadsheets, or outdated systems are prone to errors, leading to mismanaged schedules and inaccurate time records. 

However, with advanced workforce management platforms, such as Nowsta’s sophisticated system, businesses can automate scheduling, streamline shift assignments, and track time with precision. Because these tools consider various factors like employee availability, skills, and labor laws, they enable you to optimize scheduling, reducing conflicts and ensuring optimal coverage.

2. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is vital for managing hourly workers who are often spread across different shifts and locations. Technology provides seamless communication and collaboration channels, bridging the gap between management and the hourly workforce. 

Instant messaging apps, team collaboration platforms, and mobile applications allow managers to share updates, assign tasks, and address concerns in real time. This level of transparency results in better engagement, improved coordination, and strengthened relationships between employees and management, ultimately leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity.

3. Empowering Self-Service and Employee Engagement

Modern technology enables businesses to empower hourly workers through self-service portals and employee engagement platforms. Employees gain access to their schedules, time-off requests, and relevant HR information. By allowing employees to manage their own schedules, swap shifts, and request time off conveniently, businesses reduce administrative burdens and enhance employee satisfaction. Additionally, engagement platforms can offer personalized training, recognition programs, and feedback mechanisms, all of which contribute to a positive work environment and improve employee retention rates.

4. Real-Time Performance Monitoring and Feedback

Technology equips businesses with real-time performance monitoring tools that facilitate accurate evaluation of hourly workers’ performance. According to a PWC tech survey, 95% of HR leaders already use technology to better manage tracking and reporting on productivity and performance metrics. 

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Businesses can gain valuable insights into employee performance metrics by integrating data from various sources, such as time-tracking systems, point-of-sale terminals, and customer feedback. 

This data-driven approach allows for timely feedback, coaching, and recognition, helping employees to improve their skills and excel in their roles. Regular performance assessments enable managers to identify training needs, address performance issues promptly, and reward top performers, leading to more engaged and motivated employees.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making

Technology has unleashed the power of data in all areas of business, including hourly workforce management. Businesses can derive meaningful insights from vast amounts of workforce data by leveraging data analytics tools. 

Using these insights, businesses will inform strategic decision-making, such as labor cost optimization, staffing requirements, and identifying trends and patterns in employee performance. By making data-driven decisions, companies are likely to proactively adapt to market demands, optimize labor utilization, and ensure their hourly workers align with organizational goals.

6. Compliance With Labor Laws and Regulations

Managing hourly workers requires businesses to navigate complex labor laws and regulations. Failure to comply with these laws can result in severe legal and financial consequences. 

Fortunately, technology offers solutions that can automate compliance processes, reducing the risk of errors and non-compliance. Workforce management systems can integrate labor laws and regulations, ensuring that scheduling, time tracking, and payroll practices adhere to legal requirements. This automation not only saves time and minimizes potential legal liabilities but also promotes fair labor practices and improves employee satisfaction.

7. Recruitment and Onboarding

In the realm of recruitment and onboarding, technology has proven to be a game-changer. In fact, statistics predict that approximately 50% of HR technology will prioritize talent acquisition tools in the near future. 

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Traditional recruitment processes often involve manually sorting resumes and time-consuming interviews, making it challenging to find suitable candidates efficiently. However, modern technology solutions provide powerful methods to streamline the recruitment process. With applicant tracking systems, businesses can automate resume screening, identify qualified candidates, and track their progress throughout the hiring process. Online job portals and digital advertising platforms enable businesses to reach a wider pool of potential hourly workers, increasing the chances of finding the best fit for their workforce needs. 

Additionally, technology facilitates seamless onboarding through online platforms and digital training materials. New hires can access important information, complete necessary paperwork, and participate in virtual training programs, ensuring a smooth transition into their roles. By leveraging technology for recruitment and onboarding, businesses can save time, improve the quality of hires, and enhance the overall experience for hourly workers joining their organizations.

8. Training

In-person training sessions can be costly, time-consuming, and sometimes difficult to schedule for a diverse hourly workforce. Modern technology, however, offers a range of innovative solutions to overcome these challenges. Online learning platforms and e-learning modules allow businesses to provide flexible and accessible training to their hourly workers. These platforms offer interactive modules, videos, and quizzes that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, catering to the diverse schedules of hourly workers. 

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies are increasingly being used to create immersive and engaging training experiences and enable employees to simulate real-life scenarios, practice skills, and receive immediate feedback. Learning management systems (LMS) help businesses track and monitor the progress of their hourly workforce, allowing them to identify skill gaps, tailor training programs, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. By embracing technology for training, businesses can offer their hourly workers the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their roles.

9. Performance Management

When it comes to performance management, technology offers robust solutions that revolutionize the way businesses manage performance. Performance management software allows for real-time tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs), providing managers with instant access to data-driven insights into the performance of their hourly workers. This enables managers to set clear expectations, provide timely feedback, and identify areas for improvement. 

Technology can also facilitate the automation of performance appraisal processes, making it easier to conduct regular evaluations and document performance metrics. Digital tools enable businesses to implement recognition and rewards programs, enhancing employee motivation and engagement. With technology-enabled performance management, companies can foster a culture of accountability, facilitate ongoing development, and ultimately optimize the productivity and success of their hourly workforce.

Nowsta: Your Solution to Successfully Managing Your Hourly Workforce

Technology has transformed how businesses manage hourly workers by offering unprecedented opportunities and unlocking many benefits. With an armory of technology-driven solutions from which to choose, businesses can navigate the challenges of hourly workforce management with greater efficiency and pave the way for long-term success.

Modern technology solutions like Nowsta offer a comprehensive tool suite empowering companies to manage their hourly workforce. With features such as automated scheduling, intelligent time tracking, centralized reporting and invoicing, and other capabilities, Nowsta simplifies and optimizes the entire workforce management process – all in a single platform. 

By partnering with Nowsta, businesses can take their hourly workforce management to the next level and improve their bottom line. 

To learn more, reach out to one of our experts today.